Saturday, August 17

Hollywood Celebrities


I have heard that a few Hollywood celebrities are going to do something terrible, if Trump wins the Presidency like:

  • set themselves on fire
  • shoot themselves in the head
  • drive their car off a cliff
  • leave the USA for Canada or Europe

My first reaction is::::>   WHO CARES???

But, the more I think about it, the more childish is their response but more than just childish, it is frigging immature...  and if it is immature how can anyone hold these people in HIGH ESTEEM.

I also think it is childish and immature to try and barter your celebrity status into a verbal weapon in the hopes of getting one's fans to stop you from doing what you claim that you are going to do.

This tells me you need...  ATTENTION!!!

Nobody is going to light themselves on fire, or shoot themselves, drive off a cliff in a car, or leave the country because of a Presidential term that is only going to last for FOUR YEARS.

It is actually sad when you think about it that we have GROWN ADULTS who think it is COOL and WISE to act like children or immature adults...  and, what's worse is because they need more attention than they are already getting or not getting as the case may be.

It's a shame these Hollywood celebrities never really grow up...


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