Monday, August 12

Government Healthcare


I have a friend from high school who lives in Canada and yesterday received a text from him that his wife was just diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and instead of conducting any treatments, the doctors were just going to give her the drugs she needed to keep her comfortable and pain free, letting the cancer run its course.

His wife is 76 years old, as is he, as is me...  so, we are all keenly aware that we are in the sunsets of our lives here on earth.  Where we might go after that is a mystery.

Needless to say, that news, while expected, did not sit well with me mentally because I am now beginning to comfort people that I know fairly well dying from old age and complications due to that old age.

It does not fill one with COMFORT.

The situation also opens the door to government healthcare (healthcare to all) which is what is available up in Canada.

I have heard for years that Canadians come to the USA for their healthcare because the healthcare where they are SUCKS for a variety of reasons, namely if the government is in control, then the healthcare and the doctors are POOR.

Sixteen years ago, stints were put into my heart arteries by a cardiologist at NY Presbyterian Hospital who invented the procedure to clean out arteries and insert stints, avoiding triple bypass surgery.  People came from all over the world because this procedure was not available to them where they lived.

This doctor would not have developed this experimental procedure in a government-controlled
healthcare system.

A government-controlled healthcare system is a FORM OF SOCIALISM...  and while it sounds good because everybody gets healthcare, it actually is not good BECAUSE OF WHAT IS NOT DONE...  like what this doctor discovered with stints.

If you want healthcare for everyone which in my opinion is an admirable objective/goal, then let the private sector develop it and administer it, and LEAVE THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF IT.

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