Tuesday, August 20

Expert Opinions


I remember when I worked in the education industry, if you received your PhD prior to someone else, then your opinion was supported over another PhD.

This process negates the Truth...  or, to pacify both sides, it could negate the truth.


we have liberal economists and conservative economists who present their opinions as to the way our economy should evolve, always supporting party views over the opposing party's views.


who is correct?


who is telling the truth?


who do we believe?

We, the general public have little to no economic knowledge and/or experience therefore we must rely on EXPERTS to advise us as to what we should think.

How do we know...  I mean really know what to believe if these expert economists may or may not be telling us the truth but just following the pressures exerted by their parties?

We don't know for sure, do we?

Some economic experts say that the government should spend money to stimulate the economy while other economic experts say that when the government spends money to stimulate the economy, that it only serves to stimulate INFLATION.

Do we believe the PhD who received their degree the earliest?

Do we believe the PhD whose message sounds logical and makes sense?

Do we believe the liberal expert economist, or do we believe the conservative expert economist?

And then what happens if we are wrong and have to wait another four years before we can make change???

How do we protect ourselves from being played the IGNORANT FOOL...

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