Friday, August 2

Comforts of Home


I sit inside the comforts of my home and watch the rain blasting down the tree limbs it is falling so hard - a fierce wind pushes the tree limbs back and forth like a cliched rag doll.  A summer storm anticipated since early morning finally made its way through the valley in two assaults.

Outside animals must be seeking protective cover in this storm or huddled up hoping it will end soon so they can get back to scurrying around.

Inside animals, afraid of the lightning, thunder, and sounds of wind, hide underneath beds, not really knowing what is happening other than it is happening outside where they are.

We are lucky to be living where we are I think to myself and not in some dilapidated farmhouse or mobile home.  Although, I am sure there are plenty in this area of East TN that continue to live like that.


I think of myself and then I understand that my fortunate circumstances were by design and not the result of some random occurrence.  I paid my dues to have the things that I have today and very little was given to me by my parents...  I have earned my way through life and while I may not be wealthy, I am better off than most.  I also have exactly what I need, nothing more and certainly nothing less.

It bothers me (to some degree but I am not going to lose sleep over the concern) that young people today either want their parents or the government to take care of them.  And, with that said, it appears that they do not care what kind of government it is, as long as it provides for them.

That is a scary thought and one that opens the door for foreign governments to come in and provide the support that these people crave.  Maybe it is time for Americans to learn what it is going to be like to lose their freedoms that they so innocently TAKE FOR GRANTED.

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