Thursday, August 8

Broken Promises


Time and time again, we believe politicians when they say they are going to do this or this, even when they have in the past, broken their promises....

Why are we so acceptive of these broken promises?

I recall when I was growing up, my parents made promises to me and my siblings about what they were going to do, only to renege on those promises down the road.  After so many times of this repeat performance, I began to come to the conclusion that they made those promises to SHUT US UP and had no intentions of ever fulfilling those promises.

How did this influence my opinion of promises?

I believe most politicians, but not all, started out as parents first and so they learned how to make promises that they had no intentions of fulfilling.

Consequently, the general public has also been children and have experience with their parent's breaking promises.

  • Hard to believe that we live in a world like this.  
  • Hard to believe that we live in a country like this.
  • Hard to believe parents and politicians are similar.

As a parent myself, I don't recall ever making a promise to my daughter that I did not fulfill, except maybe one that revolved around me not getting a divorce from her mother.  But whether I had promised that or not, she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that our divorce was imminent.  

Still, it is an interesting comparison that between parents and politicians that make promises and then break them.  AND, it is interesting how, we the general public, keep accepting those promises and forgiving them when the promises are broken.

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