Friday, August 16

Back to SCHOOL


I just heard on FOX News this morning that the cost of returning ONE CHILD back to public education is between $800 and $1,000.

This amount of money is typically due to the cost of clothes that the parents must buy or say they must buy for their child plus supplies and a backpack.

I find this rather amusing as well as ridiculous because my parents purchased me a couple of pair of jeans, 2-3 knit shirts depending upon the shape of my knit shirts from the previous year, a couple of long sleeved shirts, maybe a sweater, put the winter jacket I wore last year would be worn for a good 4-5 years.  I would get a pair of winter shoes, again depending upon the shape of the ones I wore the previous year.

I was in style, and no one ever made fun of the clothes I was wearing because all the other children and teenagers were wearing the same types of outfits.

WE HAVE CAUSED OURSELVES to spend more money because of wanting to have 5-10 new outfits for each year of school.

We must realize HOW STUPID AND FOOLISH this parental feeling is.

We are causing OURSELVES to go INTO DEBT...

My parents spend even more on clothes for me to go to college, but once there, I very seldom wore the new clothes that were purchased because only a few needed to be fashionable in college.

Wake up PARENTS and teach your children the power of being debt free by being frugal with your spending.

Your spending contributes to sustaining INFLATION...

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