Wednesday, August 14



One of these days, Americans will wake up to the fact that all politicians are corrupt.

While the extent of their corruption varies from one individual to the next all of them will eventually fall into the corrupt category as long as they serve more than ONE TERM.

Why do I say this?

Because, the wealthy corporations, lobbyists, PACS, and individuals that fund the campaigns of politicians, ONLY DO SO in order to receive what they have asked for.

In other words, I will fund your campaign only and only if you give me what I have asked for.

  • It could be voting a certain for a bill.
  • It could be hiring a relative.
  • It could be pushing a specific piece of legislation.
  • It could be to receive special permits.
  • It could be to vote against Jews.

Every politician is guilty of this even though they will deny it when asked because your question is not a threat to them, and they do not have to tell the truth.

However, if CONGRESS asks them, then Congress is a threat, and they will tell the truth in order to avoid jail time.  The problem with Congress is that they are comprised of corrupt politicians as well.

The general public will always be forced to accept corrupt politicians as a way of life, here in America even though it is WRONG.  We, the PEOPLE, can do nothing to stop it except to vote in someone new.

I am not sure if our FOUNDING FATHERS realized this would happen or not...  part of me believes that they did know but that they just wanted to turn their back on this problem, since they were probably all corrupt as well.

This is why other countries look at us and laugh because we claim to be something that we are not, and they know it.  We are seen as FOOLISH for not seeing it ourselves.  In other words, we are no better than they are, even though we perceive ourselves as being better.


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