Wednesday, August 7

AI Humanoid Robots

  • The general consensus is that robots will take over most jobs in the next 5-10 years which is 2029-2039.  
  • However, the 2020 World Economic Forum predicted that this would happen by 2025.  It would appear that their timetable was off. 
  • Other experts are saying that only 30% of jobs will be lost to AI Robots by 2035.

Last year, China said the following:
na says humanoid robots are new engine of growth, pushes for mass production by 2025 and world leadership by 2027.

Elon Musk has also stated that he will start mass producing AI Humanoid Robots in 2025 as well.

It has been my experience that in some cases changes happen slower sometimes and in other cases changes happen faster.  Which means that there is a 50/50 probability that the experts are both correct and incorrect.

My feeling just based upon what I have observed and read is that AI Humanoid Robots will be replacing jobs slowly at first, then the replacement will accelerate and when all is said and done, it will be at least 80% complete by 2030.

However, I am NO EXPERT...

But I agree with China when they say that robots are the engine of growth...  so, along with other technology to push growth faster, if I was a businessman, I would want this change to take place as quickly as possible, if not sooner.

The sooner this happens the sooner increased revenues will be realized, and the human worker will be forgotten.

With this said, the world has about FIVE YEARS to prepare for this TRANSITIONAL CHANGE...

  1. What will you do if your job is replace by a robot?
  2. Will you go for some kind of re-training?
  3. What jobs can a robot not perform well?
  4. Where can you get this training?
  5. Have you got enough money saved?
  6. How much debt to you carry?
  7. Can you relocate?

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