Friday, July 5

War with China


According to the CATO Institute...  

“If conflict does break out, U.S. officials should not be sanguine about how it would end. Tamping or reversing Chinese aggression in the Western Pacific could require a massive use of force.

The consequences of such a conflict would spread globally, with much greater impact than the Russo‐​Ukraine war. Imagine Taiwanese industry devastated from combat or conquest.

At the end, defeat for the U.S. and its allies would be possible if not likely. In recent years U.S. wargames have generally shown Beijing as the victor. The best case, after a fashion, appears to be an indecisive and thus lengthy war. Concluded one analysis: “The overarching takeaway from participants in the war game: If China invades Taiwan, the Indo‐​Pacific region will plunge into a broad, drawn‐​out war that could include direct attacks on the U.S., including Hawaii and potentially the continental United States.”
Circa 2022

While this was written only two years ago, if anything, the situation has worsened under the leadership of Joe Biden since defense spending has been substantially reduced in all areas of our military and each branch has been unable to fill its quotas.

Given the severity of the situation and the anticipated outcome of a war with China, it would behoove the peoples of the USA to elect a President that has the mental equity and the physical endurance to stand up to China. 

Presently, Taiwan and Japan are preparing themselves for an inevitable war with China since Biden global posture has been substantially reduced due to the Afghanistan withdrawal, the Russia Ukraine war, and the war between Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.

Many people in the USA, especially LIBERALS, cannot imagine ever again going to war after what happened to us on 9/11...  this mindset has caused a liberal strategy to be imposed on our military that in essence says:  DO NOT PREPARE FOR WAR - IT WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN FOR US CITIZENS...

This is a foolish attitude to take.

It is doubtful that the next war will be nuclear as most of the global countries know that a nuclear war will be the end of civilization as we know it, even though some believe it is possible for a few to survive.

The next war will be a conventional war that will be spearheaded by ATTACK DRONES, remotely operated vehicles, and possibly a few experimental soldier robots.  Ground soldiers will still do a majority of the fighting and airplanes will drop bombs, missiles will be launch from land and submarines, and naval vessels will do battle with other naval vessels.

Russia and China are AGREESIVE, WAR-LIKE nations with a history of trying to take over land belonging to other nations.  Both countries hate the USA, especially China that wants to take the leadership status away from the USA so that they can dominate the world like we used to do.


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