Monday, July 22

Election 2024

 It is my belief, right or wrong, that America and her citizens are at a crossroads.  What happens in November of this year, will determine our role in the world for years to come.

  • Currently, the USA is HATED by numerous countries in the world, the least of which is China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.  
  • Currently, the USA has the highest national debt that it has ever had before, putting us at serious risk for defaulting on our payments.
  • Currently, several countries have joined the countries of BRICS in trying to destroy the US dollar by stopping its use between countries engaged in international trade.
  • Currently, Muslim/Arab terrorists not only want the destruction of Israel but the destruction of the USA as well.
  • Currently, there are about 30,000 Chinese illegal immigrants of military age in the USA, supposedly looking for a better life.
  • Currently, there are over TEN MILLION ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS inside the USA, many of which have no skills or abilities to offer other than their desire to work, willfully knowing they BROKE THE LAW to get here.

NOW...  the question as I see it is this:  Do you think the Democrats, or the Republicans are the best party to extricate the citizens of the USA out of this Hole of Despair and Destruction?

Bear in mind, the following:
The Democrats want to continue illegal immigration.
The Democrats want to continue increasing the national debt.
The Democrats would rather put money into social programs than the military.
The Democrats want to increase taxes (on the wealthy as well, knowing most of their money is sheltered away from taxes).
The Democrats want to censor conservative points of view.
The Democrats want to continue programs that focus on WOKE, CRT, and DEI.
The Democrats do not see China as a threat, only the country of Russia.
The Democrats are not worried about Iran or North Korea becoming a nuclear power.

Obviously, the Republicans pursue the opposite of what the Democrats pursue.

Look at our current situation and decide for yourself if this is what you want to continue or if you want it to stop and you seek a change...


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