Tuesday, July 23

Letter of Concern


Brother and Sister,
I have been concerned for quite some time and maybe this is due to my political and economic ignorance, but it is concern none the less that many of my neighbors, nurses and doctors share here in east Tennessee.

Only Trump has the mountain oysters to stand up to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and BRICS,,, but at what price?

Neither party has a candidate that will UNIFY the nation.

We are divided politically, racially, economically (financially), regionally, religiously, militarily, educationally, and by gender. We are so adamant as to the way we feel there is no room for compromise.

Our division will become harmful if it has not done so already.

Our national debt precludes us from too much continued spending and yet spending is necessary for our military and infrastructure.

Our focus on going green is offset by other countries doing little to nothing, contradicting our efforts.

Average Americans cannot afford EVs, replace batteries for hybrids and there are not enough charging stations not to mention the possibility that our power grid needs to be seriously upgraded.

Billionaires shelter their money in offshore accounts, even though they pay a lot in taxes, they could do more.

Illegal immigration will theoretically tie up our resources and may take jobs away from Americans
If we focus on made in America, our labor costs and benefits will raise prices unless we can reduce the cost of manufacturing or companies and shareholders accept less profits.

Depending upon how fast robots with AI rolls out, unemployment will increase... building and repairing robots will not really fall to Americans as that can be easily done by robots as well.

Does our WOKE military stand strong against the threat of our enemies... and if we do not take the threat from China seriously, we are fooling ourselves, I believe - nuclear weapons will save us but at what cost? We have more nukes than any other country.

Social Security is one of our biggest government expenditures, so it stands to reason that it should be reduced along with Medicare/Medicaid but what will be the resistance?

A Narrow Personal View - I have witnessed a censoring of the conservative viewpoint among liberal media outlets. It seems to me that our two party political system is contingent upon two opposing views resulting in compromise and moving forward. If one side is eliminated, then do we have the political balance that we need? Case in point: one out of three democrats believe Trump orchestrated his own assassination attempt.

UNITY is the key. United we stand, divided we fall. I believe in that concept, right or wrong. If may make me naive and immature, but it is now part of who I am or have become. Our country is not united. It matters not who started it - what matters is that it is being perpetrated on both sides and it has got to stop.

Until we find a LEADER who will bring both sides together, we will swing back and forth... Biden undid what Trump did... If Trump wins, he will undo what Biden did... etc., etc., etc. I doubt this will more us forward.,

Again, I am a novice in these matters as evidenced by my current economic situation, but I am smart enough to listen to those around me and this is what I am hearing...

Take care,

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