Monday, July 29

Lesser of the TWO EVILS

When Donald Trump was competing against Joe Biden for President, the lesser of the two evils favored Trump.  Now that Joe Biden has been replaced by Kamala Harris, the lesser of the two evils favors Harris.

There was an immediate and positive reaction when Biden dropped out of the race and Kamala Harris assumed his role, and this positiveness may propel her to victory in November...  UNLESS...

  • The Democrats remember that Kamala Harris was the first Democratic candidate to drop out of the primary race.
  • The Democrats realize that Kamala Harris not elected by them to be their Presidential candidate.

Of course, if they do realize this, their HATRED of TRUMP is so STRONG that those two points may not make any difference to them.

What I see, not being affiliated with either party, is that illegal immigration will continue, anti-police feelings will continue, anti-military feelings will continue, our national debt will continue to increase, and our premature push towards going green will continue...

All of this has a strong probability of slowing down economic growth.

What I also see, is that Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea will escalate their attacks against the USA and it allies and that more wars are likely to pop up like China invading Taiwan.

HOWEVER...  if this is what a majority of AMERICANS want, then this is what AMERICA should receive.

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