Saturday, July 27

Industrial Use of Humanoid Robot

Torobo humanoid robot can be used for research on automation of tasks that involve active contact with people.   Tokyo Robotics

A humanoid robot developed by Tokyo Robotics is seen accurately hammering a nail in a piece of wood in a new video. The synchronized and accurate effort by Torobo shows its potential for industrial use, according to the manufacturer.

With a height of 1660 mm, a reach of 680 mm, the size of the robot is close to that of humans. According to the company, the payload of one arm is 8 kg at the worst-case holding posture and 20 kg at the instantaneous maximum holding force (when the elbow is bent at a right angle), which are sufficient to conduct robotics R&Ds to replace human work.

The company stated that the action performed by robot is easier than it looks.

“The instantaneous rebound force from the hammer is absorbed through a combination of the elasticity of the rubber material securing the hammer, the deflection in torque sensors and harmonic gears, backdrivability, and impedance control,” said Tokyo Robotics.     READ MORE...

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