Sunday, July 28

100 Days Until the Election


I am sure that if you are a Democrat then you are head over heels in love with Kamala Harris as our next President and cannot wait for November to arrive...

I am also sure that if you are a Republican then you are head over heels in love with Donald Trump as our next President and cannot wait for November to arrive...

As an Independent, undecided, or someone who simply does not vote, then you are as exasperated as I am over all this BS media coverage regarding these two candidates.

  • Democrats smear and put down Republicans.
  • Republicans smear and put down Democrats.

This type of behavior happens every day and will continue and no doubt escalate as we get closer and closer to November.

Whether you want to admit it or not, the DOJ has had an unbelievable hardon for Donald Trump ever since he announced his candidacy in 2015, making up one story after another to try and get people to abandon him.

Very little, if anything, of what he has been charged with is a legitimate crime and if these charges were ever leveled against a Democrats the rest of the world would not hear the end of it.

DOUBLE STANDARDS UNDER THE LAW is going to undermine any political party because the people will eventually wake up and realize that this might happen to them one day.

If you really look at any of these candidates, Donald, Joe, or Kamala, or any of the others that ran and were not selected including the member of the Kennedy clan, there is NO ONE that I want to vote for to be PRESIDENT OF THE USA.  NO ONE!!!

That's sad when you think about it.

Our election is not just about the USA unfortunately, it is about the rest of the world as well and what they may or may not do based upon our election results.

While on the one hand, a majority of Americans might want higher taxes, more illegal immigrants, more crime and violence and more WOKENESS and CRT in our schools, I wonder if those same people want to get into an economic and military conflict (WAR) with Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea and their allies VERSUS the USA and our allies...

If you do not think this is a real possibility, then you need a glass bellybutton to see out of.

China is preparing for war with Taiwan and ultimately war with the USA.  WEAK LEADERSHIP in the USA will move China closer to that goal.

AND...  if you don't think that the MIDDLE EAST and the leadership of IRAN does not HATE the USA, then you have not really been paying attention to the words of HAMAS when they YELL OUT...


Although maybe you think all that yelling is just a bluff and they don't really mean it...  Maybe you think that the cutting off of American heads is just a deep fake.

There are only 100 days left until Americans vote for who they want to lead this country and if their decision end up being the wrong one, then whether they like it or not, they will be forced to live with the consequences of this election and the unintended consequences that will last long beyond the next four years.

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