Thursday, July 25

American Made


Here is something that you should strongly consider...  and that is, MADE IN AMERICA.


Well, for one reason, Americans want higher wages and benefits that any other worker from any other country in the world.  Workers demand more on the west coast and up north than they do on our southeastern coast and in the south.

For instance...  and this data is from a few years ago...  a $50,000 annual wage or salary actually cost the employer $150,000 when adding in benefits, vacations, and holidays.

Overseas foreign companies do not pay their employees our same kind of wages and benefits.

Also, when employees demand higher wages, then employers typically raise prices.  If an increase in prices does not help, then employees are laid off.  Either way, the LOSS is always to the worker or the customer.

The other problem that we face is TWO FOLD.  First, the American worker just is not willing to make quality products anymore nor do they have pride in what they are doing.  I have no idea why, unless it is because they do not like their jobs and there is no place else to work, so they feel stuck.

Second, those people who design products (design engineers) are ordered to design products so that they will not last longer than 3-5 five years, ensuring that the customer must come back and repurchase - guaranteed repeat business.

I'm not trying to intentionally make America and Americans look bad, but this is just the way it is these days.

When Presidents say they want to bring manufacturing back to the USA, I say NOOOOO.  Please do not do this.

Wealthy people and those who are well off financially do not understand this and will never understand this.  Those people who understand what I am saying are those who live paycheck to paycheck and sometimes have to work a second job just to be able to pay their bills.

We need to teach people how to invest their money in high school so that low wage earners can eventually become financially stable when they retire.

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