Thursday, July 25

Life Happens


Wickedly Profound, if I do say so myself, but nonetheless true.

Whether you believe a benevolent God gave us creation and life or that some Ancient Alien altered our DNA after we evolved from monkeys or that some Extraterrestrial used advanced knowledge to create the human race as a play toy, the fact remains that by some miraculous occurrence, we are ALIVE and living here on earth.

On average we live about 80-100 years of age, give or take which seems like an ABSURB lifespan when you think the universe is billions and billions of years old.

Many people say that there is no such concept as GOOD LUCK since LUCK FAVORS THE PREPARED...  I suppose that sound reasonable but was it luck that saved Donald Trump's the other day or was it because he was prepared?

Personally, I believe in LUCK even though I cannot explain how it operates.  I also believe that some of us are just in the right place at the right time and that too has nothing to do with being prepared...  it just happens...  LIFE HAPPENS...

However, there is nothing wrong with being prepared, in fact, it is only because people were prepared that many things have happened, both good and bad, even those two words are and will always be relative.

We need to develop the mindset, if we have not done so already, to just accept what life throws at us and roll with the punches as if everything was still normal or as normal as life can typical be.

Believe me...  THAT IS NOT AN EASY TASK...

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