Monday, July 22


My life is devoted to survival, not to gaining wealth, finding spirituality, or achieving wealth and power.  It is a simple life that I seek but not completely free of modern technology or computers.

Robots with artificial intelligence do not bother me as I am retired so I have already lost my job.  My wealth is not large enough to afford a cleaning robot other than the small irobot that crawls along the floor, making lots of noise but gathering up all the lost hairs from our three cats.

I am embrace some technology that revolves around the medical community since I am currently being treated for two cancers and my oncologist is using the latest and greatest research to keep me alive.  I am in my 16th that to this latest research, and I am smart to realize that should not stop. 

I don't seek happiness anymore as stated in our US Constitution because I believe it is an illusion - something to strive for but never reach.  It is a lofty goal as is the search for religious salvation...  that should not be about the belief in one man but the pursuit of what that man stands for.  Life after death is simply in spirit form at best - and we have no knowledge, just conjecture, that our spirits will have all the memories we desire.  Or, just an awareness of being forever present.

What I seek is ACCEPTANCE of all of that which was given to me for as long as I have been given to have it.  We certainly had no choice in our birth and we will have no choice in our death other than keeping our bodies and minds as healthy as we can.  Whatever or whoever decided our birth, will also decide our death and we will never know those reasons for as long as we live.

  • We must accept our body, mind, and soul
  • We must accept our physical abilities and limitations
  • We must accept our goals, ambitions, and wealth
  • We must accept our beauty and attractiveness
  • We must accept what we think we want or need

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