Friday, July 26

Domestic Blunders Turn Global

 I am just an old man who has retired from the workplace and is no longer concerned with business or economics but who still has a mindfulness of global awareness.

  • Biden screwed up royally pulling out of Afghanistan, leaving millions of dollars' worth of military equipment behind.
  • A few months later, Russia invades Ukraine - this war has been going on for over a year.
  • Biden idiotically decides to unfreeze Iran's assets giving them access to billions of dollars.
  • A few months later, Hamas invades Israel.
  • A few weeks later, Israel launches retaliatory strikes on Hamas which includes a ground invasion - it lasts for several months.

Benjamin Netanyahu comes to town and is ignored by both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  He spoke to a joint session of congress when several Democrats made the decision not to attend because they believe that Israel should back away from Hamas and seek another way of getting their remaining hostages back.

Regardless of what you think Israel should or should not do, they are one of our STRONGEST SUPPORTERS in the global arena and we should not risk pissing them off.

BUT...  what really surprises me is all the people in this country who are now PRO PALESTINE and PRO ARAB/MUSLIM because for the most part, those people want to destroy AMERICA and AMERICANS...

Why would Americans support a race of people that want to DESTROY AMERICA?

That just makes no sense at all.

AND...  if those Americans want to destroy America, WHY ARE THEY STILL LIVING HERE, if that hate it so bad?

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