Wednesday, July 31

Robots and illegal immigrants


You have got to be living in a cave or dumber than a rock, if you do not realize the following two events are currently taking place right under our noses:

First - illegal immigrants are pouring into the USA at a rate never seen before and it is estimated 10-20 million of these illegal immigrants are already here.

Second - there is a HUGE PUSH to introduce and infuse AI humanoid robots into to workplace that will, by all estimates, replace 80% of all global jobs by 2030, or perhaps earlier since Elon Musk suggest this push will really start happening in 2025/2026.


  • It does not take a brain surgeon to figure out that if AI humanoid robots are going to replace jobs in th next two, maybe three to five years, then what the hell are all these illegal immigrants going to do for work???
  • It is obvious that low paying wage jobs will be the first to go when AI humanoid robots start to enter the workforce.
  • Illegal immigrants only have the skills to work in low wage jobs otherwise they would come in legally.


  • Do you believe that the Democrats will close the border and STOP illegal immigrants from entering the USA???
  • Do you believe that AI humanoid robots will not or never replace human workers in the marketplace???
  • Do you believe that illegal immigrants will not take jobs away from American workers???

I am not a Democrat, Republican, or Independent...  I am an American Veteran who votes for the person/party that I feel will benefit the American People, not the party or themselves.
  1. I want low taxes
  2. I want my children to be protected and have the same future that I have/had
  3. I want a strong military
  4. I want a strong law enforcement
  5. I want a strong growing economy
  6. I don't want political censorship
  7. I want a fair and honest media
  8. I don't want wealth to influence politics
  9. I want a balance budget
  10. I want to reduce the national debt
  11. I am against socialism and communism
  12. I want only legal immigration
  13. I want a strong educational system
  14. I don't want the judicial system weaponized
  15. I want EVERYONE to pay their fair share of taxes

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