Wednesday, July 24



At 76 years of age, I have the following concerns however, I am also aware that not many people share my concerns.

My Concerns:

  • The National Debt
  • Illegal Immigration
  • A Weak Military
  • Balancing the Budget
  • Ending Gasoline
  • Going Green
  • High Taxes
  • Wokism - CRT - DEI
  • Terrorism
  • Global Hate of USA
  • China - Russia - Iran - North Korea

My Reality:
The Democrats have been working behind the scenes for decades to infiltrate several aspects of American commerce with the ultimate intention of gaining ultimate power and control over the Republicans and the rest of America.

To date, they have control of the mainstream media, several high-tech companies (Microsoft, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, etc.), the Department of Justice, the FBI, Homeland Security, and the Secret Service.

Using these high-tech companies and the mainstream media, there has been a concerted effort to censor all conservative points of view.

With all of this in the background, we have a group of black Americans that represent only 12% of the overall population to push the agenda of:
  • Going WOKE
  • Pushing CRT in public schools
  • DEI

If and when all these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS get sorted out, there is a good possibility they will votes DEMOCRAT, literally destroying the conservative voice in America.

We will end up with a ONE PART GOVERNMENT which has absolutely nothing to do with being a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

Additionally, America will change and will become a new country that no one in the world will recognize.  Consequently, in  few years, global economics will move away from the USA and towards the far east, benefitting countries like China and India, leaving the USA behind and trying to catch up.

My age prevents me from doing anything about this, but the writing on the wall, says this is coming and there is nothing that we can do to stop it.

My future concerns are just trying to live my life as best as I can, enjoy what I can, and live as long as I can which will be less that 20 years.

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