Wednesday, July 24

We, the People

In this country we have had causes over rights and causes:

  • Civil Rights
  • Gender Rights
  • Abortion Right
  • First Amendment Rights
  • Second Amendment Rights
  • Racial Rights
  • Educational Rights
  • Voting Rights
 As a result of these causes, we have had changes in the law written and approved by Congress, and we have had the Supreme Court interpret our Congressional Laws so that they are more in tune with the US Constitution either from an as it was written point of view or from an as society has changed point of view.

Our society has always been somewhat divided on just about every decision that the Supreme Court has recently rendered, many of whom have called for a removal of a few of the Justices because they went against our personal beliefs -  saying that the justices are not interpreting the US Constitution correctly.

In my opinion, when someone says that they are just been arrogant, thinking they know better than the Supreme Court.  And maybe they do.

Some of their recent decisions revolve around Federal Responsibility versus States Responsibility.  One view gives the Federal Government more power, the other view takes that power away.

We, the people, must try our LEADERS to do what they know and believe is right, even if it goes against their own beliefs and convictions...  Personally, I don't think a majority of our LEADERS can do that.

We, the people, elect our leaders with our vote and we remove our leaders with our vote.  However, are we, the people, motivated enough to do our due diligence to know what is correct or not correct?

My answer to that question is NO.  We do not do our due diligence and our elected officials know that and are counting on that.

When we do not do our due diligence then our government is no longer for the people, of the people, or by the people.  It is hijacked by a group of people that don't give a damn about we, the people - all they care about is themselves, their party, and the power and control of their power over we, the people.

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