Sunday, July 14



In my opinion, one of the greatest privileges of being an American citizen is our ability to VOTE.

We vote for our Congresspeople (House/Senate), our President, our State legislatures (State and Local), and we use our RIGHT TO VOTE to elect and unselect people from office. 

Now, the Democrats want to give that sacred privilege to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS who broke our laws to enter this country.

We already give these ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS:

  • free healthcare
  • free housing
  • free education
  • free food
  • free clothes
  • free transportation
Now, we should give them the vote without any questions asked?
At some point-in-time, we need to draw the line and if we continue to give them free stuff to the exclusion of our own citizens, then AMERICANS will REBEL.

Illegal Immigrate bring with them:
  • a desire to break laws to get what they want
  • no proof of skills or abilities
  • no proof of immunization
  • no proof of values or moral standards
  • children to be trafficked
  • aggressive dispositions and behaviors
  • untreated medical/mental conditions

Let them enter the USA legally.


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