Sunday, July 21

Trump's Speech


I tuned in to the Republican Convention at 9:00 pm and had to wait around for over an hour before Trump came up to the podium.  That wait pissed me off, but it was mainly my fault because I got the time wrong.

SO...  like everyone else, I watch the build-up with his son's comments, Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan's comments, Franklin Graham, and Dana White's introduction of Trump.  While those speeches were all well done and positive, I was tired of hearing about the same facts over and over again...  knowing that Trump was going to mention some of that stuff as well.

For me, once is enough and I GET IT...  more than once is just redundant and unnecessary...  but this is a convention designed to PSYCH-UP the attendees.

By the time Trump started speaking, I was drowsy and yawning like the little girl sitting on his lap.

AND...  he starts off by telling the story of the assassination attempt, trying to share details that he thought all the people in attendance wanted to hear.  Since the attempt did not work, I could care less about the details and what he might have seen while he was on the stage with bodies on top of him.

Trump told us what he was going to do when and if he becomes President - most of us could already guess what he was going to say - obviously, he is going to reverse all the policies that Biden reversed of his.  That was a no brainer.

What impressed me was that he was not bitter or angry or vengeful against all of those who tried to do him harm for the last EIGHT YEARS.

However, that is where the BEING IMPRESSED stopped.

He mentioned uniting the country and how the country needed to be united, or we are going to fall and/or fail...

BUT... he offered no clues as to how he was going to do that.

These CLUES is really what I was waiting to hear...  and since there were no steps given one must conclude that he either does not really have a plan or that he did not really mean what he was saying.

Trump made a comment or two against all the ridiculous spending on CLIMATE CHANGE and that alone will push away most of the mainstream liberals from any form of unity.

CONCLUSION:  Both political parties talk UNITY but neither party is going to anything to ACHIEVE UNITY.

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