Thursday, July 18

Right Things or Things Right


A few years ago, Steven Covey published a self-help book entitled SEVEN HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFEDTIVE PEOPLE...

One of his habits was doing right things or doing things right...

Most of the people will tell you that doing right things is what all leaders should be focused on...  and while that makes sense, if you don't do those right things in the right way, then doing right things will be a meaningless task.

Let me give you an example.

The right thing to do is to mow your grass when it needs mowing rather than letting it grow until it tassels.  Everybody would readily agree with that. 

However, if you mow your grass on such a low level that the mower sends out grass clippings that smothers the remaining grass then it is again easy to see that this right thing was not done right.

A supervisor should delegate tasks to their subordinates so that they are not put in a position to do the work themselves.  However, if they do not delegate those tasks appropriately, then more than likely the tasks will need to be redone.  That is to say, you delegate tasks to those employees that have the skills and abilities to do those tasks.

Right Things versus Things Right


The problem that many of us face is that we sometimes cannot distinguish between doing right things versus things right.  If that is one of our problems and are willing to admit that flaw, then we no longer needed to be a supervisor until we can differentiate between the two comcepts.

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