Monday, July 1



Perhaps I am just too sentimental for my age, but I am extremely sad that the USA is turning into a country that I do not recognize, nor do I like anymore.

My America is the America of the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and 80s.  It was a country of innocence and wonder, of trust and respect, of hard work and loyalty, of an appreciation for authority, and it was a time where most of us had very little but made the most of what we had.

Perhaps, I am just too naive, too romantic, too sensitive to make the transformations that I need to make in order to live and survive in a world that has literally GROWN UP before my eyes.  Sometimes, I think it has aged faster than me, becoming more bitter and hateful each day.

  • There is no respect for authority
  • There is no respect for personal property
  • There is no trust to be given to friends and family
  • There is no desire to understand anyone
  • There is only what's in it for me

Our government tries to undermine the governments of foreign countries in the hopes they will be more like us.

Our companies manufacture products with a built in obsolescence of 3-5 years to guarantee repeat business.

Our law enforcement typically breaks the law in order to catch and prosecute criminals.

Our Politicians make all these promises with the intentions of never fulfilling them, spending more time on re-election that doing what is right for the people.

Our companies care more about profits than they care about employees or building quality products.

AND YET, we want the rest of the world to be like us and accept our democratic republic lifestyle.

This is simply not the America that I grew up 76 years ago, and it is not that I am ashamed as to what she has become, it is more like disappointed and sad that such a once great country has now lost its way.

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