Tuesday, July 2

November Election Worries and Concerns


Reflecting upon the debate between Biden and Trump the other night, while some say there was a clear winner, my thoughts were NEITHER CANDIDATE is suitable to be POTUS.   

From the very beginning, I have been against Biden since he reversed everything that Trump had done just for SPITE.  However, Trump had a difficult time articulating himself or providing the audience with what he would actually do.

However, it is true that the rest of the world would prefer dealing with the timid Biden as opposed to the unpredictable Trump.  And while what happens on the global stage is important, I would think what happens at home is of more importance.

  • We are a extremely divided country
  • We have a sluggish economy brought about by inflation
  • We have a military that is rapidly degrading
  • We have 10-15 million illegal immigrants in our country
  • We have enormous influx of illegal drugs in our country
  • We have an alarming increase of crime and violence in many of our cities
  • We have a piss poor education system in our country
  • We have a racist problem in our country dealing with blacks and Jews and Hispanics

These are the issues that need to be dealt with and I still do not think, except for one or two of them, that either candidate has the ability to deal with all of them...  not because he couldn't but because he does not want to.

As our population increases, I believe that our general intelligence increases as well...  and yet, this increasing intelligence is willing to accept the status quo for fear of losing more...  PLUS there is an increasing number of young citizens who want the federal government to take care of them like their parents did.

That means, they want more SOCIALISM...

I don't believe that the USA will become FULLY SOCIALISTIC, but I do believe the more socialistic we become, the more it will slow down the growth of our economy further exacerbating our quality of life in the future.

That future could further be disrupted by aggressive actions on the part of China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea.  Our previous government actions have created a growing hatred of the USA.  While those prior actions may or may not have been justified, they have place us in an uncomfortable position globally.

Knowing all of this does not help, in my mind, ease the frustration and concern for the November Presidential election.  Biden is clearly mentally incompetent and while Trump has mellowed slightly, his actions could be disastrous.  Unfortunately, there is NO ONE ELSE to substitute at this stage in the game, and we will just have to live with the election's consequences.

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