Wednesday, July 10

Not a Sports Fan

I grew up in Alexandria, Virginia, just 8 miles outside of Washington, DC going south towards Mount Vernon.  From a very early age, I was exposed to the Washington Redskins and the Washington Senators who later moved to Baltimore and changed their name.

The Washington Redskins were always being watched in our household, even after we moved to North Carolina in 1966, so much so that I became disinterested with sports.  It wasn't just football, but we watched baseball, basketball, and tennis.  It was not just professional sports but also college sports as well.

When I got married, it was a mandate to have some sort of sports activity playing on the television when those relatives came to visit whether it was Thanksgiving or Christmas.  And if we were lucky and had to visit their homes, then sports activities were playing on the television screen in their homes as well.

When I was in high school, I played football, basketball, baseball, and was on the track team.  I guess that I just got so inundated with sports that I just lost my interest in playing as well as watching.

I never really got into tennis or golf and as I got older, baseball was the first sports activity over which I lost interest - mainly because it was so damn slow.  When I did play the game, my position was first base.

The second sport that fell off my radar was football and while I really enjoyed playing the game, I just got tired watching.  My position was right defensive linebacker, and I was on the the kicking and receiving teams.  I had tried out for fullback but could not hold onto the ball like I needed to.

My interest in basketball lasted the longest which I believe was due to going to college and being part of the ACC conference.  There were always some exciting teams in that conference, especially when Michael Jordon played for UNC at Chapel Hill.  My wife and I continued to follow his career with the Bulls, but once he retired, our interest in that sport died as well.

Today I hardly ever watch any kind of sports activity on the television, unless it is the Super Bowl or the NBA playoffs.  To tell you the truth, I am not sure why I lost interest in sports, unless it was because I was so immersed in sports most of my life.

The last thing I want to do when I am bored and wanting something to do these days is watch something that has to do with sports.  I'm not even interested in watching the Ninja Warrior competitions.


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