Wednesday, July 3

Military Preparedness

The US has 2,127,500 military personnel, significantly fewer than Russia and China. Russia has 3,570,000 personnel and China has 3,170,000, while India has the largest armed forces out of the top players with 5,137,550 personnel, according to the rankings.     SOURCE: Independent US Edition

So, if China, Russia, and India formed a coalition against the USA, there would be about 11 million military troops against 2 million USA troops...

Hardly seems fair, does it?

DJI, also known as Da Jiang Innovations, has become the world's largest drone maker, having achieved global dominance in less than 20 years. The company now supplies 70% of the world's consumer drones and nearly 80% of U.S. consumer drones. 
Mar 14, 2024    SOURCE:  VOA News

DJI is located in China...

So, why am I talking about this?
Two reasons:
First - many experts believe that we are very close to the beginnings of a third world war because of Ukraine/ Russia, Israel/Hamas, and the real prospect that China might invade Taiwan.
Second - it has become increasing apparent that Drones will take a prominent position in the next global conflict since they have been used so successfully in smaller conflicts.

My Concern:  the present administration does very little to address the military possibilities that have been recently growing in our global community.  Instead, they have tried to end the use of gasoline, redirect resources towards climate control, and spend more money than they needed to on social welfare programs rather than giving citizens the tools to help themselves.

Consequently, our enemies (China, Russia, Iran, India, North Korea and others) are building up their militaries, ignoring climate control, and spending the least amount of money they can on social welfare programs.  Why?  To ultimately defeat the USA both militarily and economically.

Without causing any undue alarms, we need to get our act together and position this country so that it can properly defend itself and strengthen itself economically.  As the economy grows so too will its citizens.

Yes, the wealthy will get wealthier but that is going to happen regardless of what we do.  Increase taxes on the wealthy...  STUPID IDEA...  the wealthy have their money HIDDEN from taxes...  were you just born yesterday?

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