Saturday, July 13

Medical Update


Today, I had my 84th infusion of the immunotherapy drug OPDIVO specifically targeting my Melanoma cancer.  At a rate of once a month, I have completed SEVEN years of taking this drug which has prevented my Melanoma from growing.

When radiation was combined with OPDIVO, the combination killed the Melanoma dead in its tracks and I still can feel the dead tumor on the left side of my groin.

I am also being treated for Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and have been since 2008/09 and for a while my treatments were keeping that cancer in check.  It started to grow and my chemo drug was changed.  That new drug lasted a while, then my Lymphoma transformed from slow growing to fast growing and became more aggressive.  My drugs were again changed.

Yesterday, I had a CT scan performed on my neck, chest, and abdomen and was informed of the results today when I went in for my OPDIVO treatment.  This new drug at a level of 50mg/day out of a potential 400mg/day had actually reduced the Lymphoma tumors all over my body.  And my blood counts had improved in all categories except for my WBCs and RBCs, still leaving me with low immunity and anemia.

HOWEVER, my Oncologist was very pleased with the results.

I am in my 16th year of treatment and feel extremely grateful to still be above ground.  Prior to my contract these cancers, my life expectancy had been 7-10 years...  BUT with these new drugs and combinations of drugs and radiation, my life expectancy had not just been extended but there is a good possibility I could live into my 90s.

To maintain that health and to support the treatments, I do the following:

  • I do not smoke (quit 36 years ago)
  • I do not drink alcohol
  • I eat no red meat or fried foods or sugars
  • I eat fish, chicken, lamb, & pork chops
  • I eat lots of vegetables
  • I eat Pita bread and English muffins only

I do not exercise as much as I should because of my back fusion two years ago where 5 lower back disks were fused together.  It is difficult to walk a long distance and it is difficult to walk up steps using my right leg for some reason now.

Aside from constant (daily) fatigue and nausea, I feel pretty good.  I have also managed, over the last 18 months to reduce my weight down from 250/60 to 210/15 and my total cholesterol (including both good and bad) was only 89.  My blood pressure is typically 110/50 or 60.

At 76, I have a different lifestyle than I had when I was 50 or 60 and while I am not as active as I once was, I am trying to accept that my physical days are over and that I have to remain satisfied that I am just living a moderately active lifestyle.

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