Sunday, July 7

Life After Death


The question has puzzled scholars and the general public for thousands of years, at least going back to the time of Christ, six thousand years ago.

Most every single culture has had some sort of belief that there is a life after death in some form or another.  

Some believe that we actually have a second life in the same physical form that we have while alive on earth.

Some believe that this after life is in the form of a spirit which is why after death, there is no more sickness and pain.

Whatever life that we have after death, you can pretty much believe that it WILL NOT be like one's life here on earth...  and it is doubtful that you will be any more aware of anything than what is immediately around you, if that.

If in fact, we are transformed from a human body to a spirit form, there will be no dressing, no eating, no sleeping, none of the bodily functions, no shaking of hands, no body surfing of ocean waves at the beach, no watching of athletic competitions, no getting too cold or too hot, and definitely no illness of any kind.

We will just float around like an invisible cloud, without eyes, ears, or a mouth.  Our mind may function to some degree, but the actual brain stays with the body.  All that is left is the spirit of our essence.

When ministers, priests, or pastors tells us will be come in contact with our dead relatives, it is their opinion based upon no facts something like that will happen.  It is like wishful thinking.

Some religious leaders tell us we will be in heaven with God and there is no proof of that either other than what is written in the Bible.   Maybe there is a God, maybe not.  Maybe there is a creator.  But out of this vast universe, why would this God, just create of race of human beings on earth?

AND...  how do we explain the evolution of man where there is scientific evidence that our human DNA mutated from the DNA of Chimpanzees.  This scientific TRUTH conflicts with God making us in his own image...  unless our concept of that statement is wrong.

How do we explain UFOs and the extraterrestrials that must be inside flying them?  Have they been created by God too?  If so, why is that not mentioned in the Bible, especially since God knew that earth would eventually evolve to the point where it is today.

He knew that a controversy like this was going to happen.

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