Thursday, July 4

July 4, 1776 - July 4, 2024 (248 Years)

Why do we celebrate on July 4? July 4 marks the anniversary of when Congress, comprised of delegates from the United States' original 13 colonies, signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The document declared the nation's independence from Great Britain.

Had we not won the war against Great Britain all of our leaders, especially the Continental Congress members would have been thrown into prison in London and more than likely hung from the neck until dead.  They would have all be charged with TREASON.

Our new country started as a result of us breaking laws and committing treason...  think about that...

What this goes to show you, the reader, is that you can break the law and do all sorts of other things including committing treason as long as in the end, your actions result in you being correct, justified, or legally innocent.

History shows that what we did in 1776 ultimately proved beneficial for the entire world, look at WWI and WWII for some of that proof.  We have also spent billions over the years to help other countries who are or were in desperate need of help.  We have also been the primary reason why COMMUNISM has not taken over the world.

In 1860, our Civil War almost destroyed our fledging country but again we survived.  There is no telling what might have happened to us if we had a Northern and Southern USA.  One might believe that over the years, our nation would have come back together, but since that did not happen, no one knows for sure.

The Declaration of Independence lead to a war with Great Britain, and to the creation of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights which are the first ten amendments to that constitution.  It is our Bill of Rights that separates us from the rest of the world and makes us incredibly unique.  It is that uniqueness that is envied and hated by the rest of the world.


So, understand how special these 4th of July celebrations really is and make sure that your children understand that as well.

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