Friday, July 19

It's Just Politics


For most of us, we see politics as a NECESSARY EVIL...  but for politicians, at least at the beginning, they believe they can change the world.  After one term in Congress, either the House or the Senate, they soon learn that politics is about what the leaders say it is about, raising money for re-election, and doing what is necessary to get the party behind you so that you can get re-elected.

For the average American, we feel like we cannot change this political behavior and that our best chance is HOPE FOR THE BEST.

In part, this is/is not what our Founding Fathers wanted.  Our Founding Fathers were the elite, the educated, the intellectual, and all of them thought they knew what was best for America.

They wanted the public to think that there were involved with controlling government through their VOTE, but in reality, our Founding Fathers, did not trust the general public at all.

This is exactly why they created the ELECTORAL COLLEGE...  don't take my word for it, do research on this and see for yourself.

Its just politics is what most of us feel along with feeling powerless to change the concept of it being just politics.

For example, one way to solve our political problems and concerns is to have term limits for all politicians...  however, it is the elected politicians who have to create and pass a bill that would RUIN THEIR GRAVY TRAIN.

What are the odds that they will limit their own terms of OFFICE?

1000 to 1?

1,000,000 to 1?

The general public has to accept what these wealthy, and privileged ELITES think or perceive what is best for the rest of us.

Personally, I think this is BULLSHIT...

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