Wednesday, July 17

Divided We Fall

As a group of like-minded citizens, Americans living in the United States are divided.

How are we divided?

  • Politically
  • Racially
  • Gender
  • Spiritually 

There is an insurmountable divide between LIBERALS and CONSERVATIVES where Liberals include those who are socialists and where Conservatives include those who are ultra-religious.

Those of us who were born in the 1940s and early 1950s are overwhelmingly concerned that this division will finally break us...  and the democratic republic experiment will once and for all be over.

On the one hand, it is a natural progression of an advanced society like the USA to give its citizens an abundance of gifts so that everyone can share in the wealth.  However, those that are wealthy do not see it that way, instead preferring to spend their money on themselves or on legacies so that their names will be remembered for hundreds of years.

EGO - GREED - VANITY will one day bite us in the ass if it has not done so already.

  • Why do movie stars need to be paid millions of dollars to be in a movie?
  • Why do professional athletes need to be paid millions of dollars to play basketball, baseball, or football.
  • Why do billionaires need several homes, several private jets when they ignore all those who contributed money or purchased the products that made them that wealthy?

As the people demand more, the government is forced to raise taxes and all the wealthy stash their money in offshore bank accounts to avoid paying their fair share of taxes - NOBODY WANTS TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THAT...   WHY???

  • Wealthy people do not fight wars
  • Wealthy people do not pay taxes
  • Wealthy people live under different laws
  • Wealthy people considered themselves privileged
  • Wealthy people look down on the rest of us
  • Wealthy people are selfish and self-centered

Wealthy people need the common man to maintain their wealth and one day that will change, and we will see a bunch of wealthy people bitching and moaning because they finally have to share.


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