Thursday, July 4

Democrats in Panic Mode

 Based upon the results and the fallout from the first debate, the Dems don't know whether to shit or go blind...  nothing seems to be working out according to plan...  as the DOJ attacks Trump with bogus charges and biased convictions, his popularity soars...  and mainstream liberal media can no longer hide Biden's dementia like behavior.

What to do?

WELL...  one thing is for sure, the Republicans could not pour PISS out of a BOOT with directions written on the HEEL...  that's for sure.

At best, the GOP knows how to talk SLOW and SMOOTH, preside over hearings, fight amongst themselves over meaningless issues, and ACCOMPLISH VERY LITTLE TO NOTHING.

It seems like Donald Trump is the only one who ever gets any damn thing done as he entertains crowds, defends himself in court, and rants about how he is being persecuted, not realizing it is frigging mouth that gets him into trouble.

This election seems to be the worst election in the history of the USA that I can recall, where neither candidate is actually FIT FOR OFFICE...  and, when we go to the polls in November, a majority of us will more than likely either vote for the lesser of the two evils or cast a vote against the other side.

When we vote in November, we've got two questions to ask ourselves:

  • What is best for the USA?
  • What is best for the WORLD?

This second question is important in that, many experts are saying that the current global environment is priming itself for a THIRD WORLD WAR...  and much of that priming depends on our next President...  that is to say that a strong one will postpone WWIII.

Do we (YOU) agree with that assessment?
Do you think the USA can operate independent of what is going on in the rest of the world?
Should we focus more on climate change that what is going on in the rest of the world?

YES... it is true that the Democrats are in panic mode...  but is it because of the USA they feel this way or because they will lose power and control...


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