Tuesday, July 2

Death Penalty

 As I have mentioned before, I am neither Democratic, Republican, Independent, Socialist, Progressive, or Libertarian, I AM A LIBERAL COMNSERVATIVE, WHO, for instance believes in abortion, a balance budget, a small government, low taxes, strong military, and a reduction of the national debt.

When I vote, I vote for that person that I perceive will be best for the country and not simply to perpetuate a party's platform and policies.  In many cases, it might just be the lesser of the two evils.


my thoughts are focused on the death penalty and my first thought which may seem a tad religious is this:  MAN CAN TAKE A LIFE BUT HE CANNOT CREATE ONE...

In essence, and regardless of crime, I do not believe that we should have the death penalty.

With that said, I don't think it should be our Federal Government that takes a position on this - it should be up to the States to decide based upon the beliefs of their various populations.

I understand the argument of how much it costs to keep a person incarcerated for a year let alone a lifetime, but that, in my mind, still does not convince the death penalty should be implemented.

If we kill someone for killing another, then, it would seem like to me that we are no different than the person who killed in the first place, other than the law says we can do this.

It is also widely believed that the death penalty is a deterrent to horrific crimes.  While that might be true, I would suspect that there is just as much evidence to the contrary.  As a matter of fact, data in most cases is easily manipulated to support one's initial beliefs and premises.


Send all inmates regardless of their crimes both past, present, and future either to Artica or Antarctica.  Give them the tools and supplies to build their own housing facilities where they can grow, harvest, process, distribute, and cook their own food and clothes.  Give them medical supplies as well along with a variety of educational materials.  Perhaps computers as well.

They will be responsible for policing themselves and maintaining whatever type of law enforcement process they feel they need.

They will never be provided with any kind of resources that will enable them to escape their location and satellite surveillance will be monitoring them 24/7.

They can kill each other if that is what they want to do but it will not take long for them to realize, killing each other will not keep the rest of them alive - they will need everyone just to survive.

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