Wednesday, July 10

Crazy Drivers

When I was about 19-25 years old, I made a point of driving fast wherever I went, whether it was inside the city limits, on a country road or interstate highway.

After a while, I realized that driving that fast was not necessary and it was also stressful because as a driver you were always on the outlook for law enforcement.  So, I confined my fast driving to just the interstate highways.

But, after several speeding tickets and no radar detectors on board, I decided to confine my excess speed to 5-10 miles over the speed limits.

When I retired in 2015, I had completely lost the desire to drive fast and I made a point of making sure that I left home with plenty of time so that if I ran into any traffic delays, I would still be able to arrive at my appts on time.

When I drive now, I laugh, smirk, or smile at all the drivers that are driving fast either because they want to or because they are LATE to wherever they are going.

I also get a big kick out of those drivers (mainly young) who cannot gauge DEPTH OF FIELD, so they run up onto the backside of another vehicle and have to slam on the brakes.  This is especially humorous when drivers are trying to pass slow traffic by going into the slower lane, and even with an increased amount of speed they misjudge the distance,

I also like those drivers that like to tailgate.  There is usually one of three things that I do when that happens to me:

1. maintain my speed

2.  slow down

3. turn on my headlights

However, I have refrained from any recent behavioral actions like this because you never know when an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT or some jerk-off might get pissed off and pull out a firearm and start shooting.  So, I just stay in the slow lanes and let crazy drivers be crazy drivers.

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