Tuesday, July 16



My life from first grade through and including high school was very structured by my parents.  One of those structures was what we ate for breakfast so that at least those meals were balanced.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we were served scrambled eggs with bacon, sausage, and scrapple.  I am sure we could have requested fried eggs or boiled eggs, but as I recall we didn't and that is what we served.

On Tuesdays we were served Oatmeal and that never varied.  With our oatmeal, we had cinnamon toast, milk, and a fruit and the fruit changed with the season.

On Thursdays we had pancakes with butter and maple syrup that my mother made from scratch as it was cheaper than buying it already prepared.  I cannot recall, but I am sure that blueberries might have been added to the pancake mix during the summer.

On Saturdays, it was always cereal and maybe a cinnamon bun to go with it.  My mother would purchase a variety of cereal, maybe 3-5 different ones she kept on hand, but I always had Cheerios.

On Sundays, we always had waffles and my dad would be the one who always cooked the waffles, wearing his bathrobe and slippers standing at the stove with his uncombed hair.

My sister and I poke fun at the breakfast ritual and my brother who is EIGHT YEARS younger than me does not remember eating like that at all.  I don't remember what he was being served but it had to be what my sister and I were.  My sister is twelve years older than him so when he was in the second grade, she was in college, and I was a sophomore in high school.

After I left home, my breakfast ritual stopped.  I seldom eat eggs for breakfast but when I do, it is usually an omelet.  My go to breakfast these days is Raisin Bran and Yogurt, English Muffins and/or waffles (frozen and heated in the microwave) with strawberry jelly not syrup.

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