Monday, July 15

Assassination Attempt


By now everyone should know that there was an assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life at a rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend.  

During my lifetime there has only been two other attempts on Presidents in office, Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy.  Obviously, Trump was in office, but running for office and the November election.

What does that tell you about the climate here in the greatest country in the world?

Ever since 2015/2016, the Democrats and mainstream media has been bombarding the public day after day with how BAD Donald Trump is and now they are saying he will destroy DEMOCRACY.

Don't you think that the Democrats LIT THE MATCH this time?

What's being said?

  • Some people are saying that the secret service will under-manned and under-supplied.
  • Some are saying that this report is a lie.
  • Some are saying that the secret service did not properly do their job.
  • Some are saying that the Democrats were behind this failed attempt.
  • Some are saying that Trump was protected by the hand of God.

All we have and will have no matter how hard we investigate and dig down into the issues, is SPECULATION.
The shooter is dead - so he cannot make a statement.

My concern is that will this assassination attempt force the DEMOCRATS to back off their hatred of Donald Trump or will it cause them to escalate their rhetoric?
My guess is that there will be some hard core who will publicly state they are upset the shooter missed.   That the only good Donald Trump is a dead Donald Trump.

What does that tell you about their belief in DEMOCRACY???

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