Tuesday, July 2

Our Election and the Supreme Court

 Apparently, it is up to Joe Biden and his family, not the Democratic Party, if he is going to continue to be a candidate for re-election in November of this year.

Joe Biden and his family had a pow-wow at Camp David over the weekend and convinced Joe Biden to stay in the Presidential Race, even though several LIBERAL MEDIA NEWS OUTLETS called for him to DROP OUT of the race as a result of his poor performance in the debate.

As a result, the LIBERALS have gone on the attack again using the recent Supreme Court decision on immunity directing it towards Donald Trump.

There attack is completely MISLEADING or an attempt to mislead the general public.

While the Supreme Court's decision does favor Donald Trump regarding several of his recent and pending jury trials, it was not just a decision favoring Donald Trump but was a decision FOR ALL PRESIDENTS PAST AND FUTURE.

Obama, Clinton, and Carter as well as Bush are free from any criminal prosecution while in office.  While this may seem like a minor point, it is actually a HUGE POINT because it is NOT JUST FOR TRUMP but for all presidents.

It amazes me that the Democrats continue to mislead the public just because the Supreme Court made a decision that went against their beliefs.

The Supreme Court interprets the US Constitution and sometimes its decision favor one party over another party but that does not mean they are BIASED...  it just means their interpretation is different.

AOC for instance wants to remove certain justices from the Supreme Court via the impeachment process because they did not agree with her.  To do this would be a corruption of POWER.  It is this corruption of POWER that will destroy DEMOCRACY not the opinions of politicians or the President.

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