Saturday, July 20

A Fool's Fool


If you think that advertising really wants to do something special for you, help you out, or give you something you thought you could never have, the YOU ARE A FOOL...

Advertising is done for the sole purpose of selling a product and making money.  It has very little if anything to do with you except take your money away.

Investment houses will invest your money for a fee and that fee is designed to make more money that you are earning.  These houses make 12-15% and pay you maybe 5%.

Insurance Companies want you to take out life insurance so you can protect your wife and children but the only way you benefit is by dying early or right after you probation period.  You are better off investing the money yourself.

In the 1950s, kitchen appliances were made to last 25-30 years.  Today, they are made to last only 3-5 years so that companies will earn more REPEAT BUSINESS.

I remember buying a tool from SEARS in the 1980s and was asked if I wanted to buy a protection warranty designed to repair if something went wrong.  I asked the salesperson if the item was not made correctly because I never needed to do that before.

It was designed to bring in more money convincing the buyer he was protecting himself and saving money.  Maybe 1 in a 1000 had a problem.

The bottom line here is that whenever you see a commercial advertising something, more often than not, they are trying to sell you something you don't really need.

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