Saturday, July 6

A Democratic Party Conundrum

Ever since Biden's debate with Trump, the Democratic Party has been in somewhat of a meltdown, especially in the mainstream liberal media.

It seems the liberal media has been covering for Biden and now that their secret is out, they are trying to figure out ways to defend their actions or lack thereof.

One of their ideas is to say Biden won on SUBSTANCE...

There have been several high ranking Democrats who have suggested that Biden step down from the race while others continue to support him.

There is also speculation that Kamala Harris will be the candidate when Biden steps down since she will have access to Biden's war chest.  But, if Biden steps down from the race, then he might as well step down from office since the reasons he will give for stepping down will also impact his job as President.

However, with his son Hunter getting ready from his second trial, Joe Biden needs to remain in office so he can commute his son's sentence.  If he steps down as President, he will not be able to do that.

Kamala Harris is the only viable option to take his place but her credibility as VICE PRESIDENT is that she does not do anything.  None of the assignments that Joe Biden assigned her, has she done anything about.

And, does the general public, at least on the Democratic side of the population, BELIEVE and/or PERCEIVE that she has the ability to stand up to Russia, China, Iran, or North Korea?  My answer to this question is NO.  It is no, because she was the first Democratic Party candidate to drop out of the primaries because there was hardly any support for her.

I have also heard that Hillary Clinton or Gavin Newsome, or Michele Obama are also being considered by the movers and shakers of the Democratic Party...  but, the problem with these people is that there is not enough time to fundraise as none of them can use Biden's war chest.

On the other side of the coin, Biden's weaponized DOJ will continue to go after Trump, even more now since Biden's poor debate performance.   There is a sentencing coming up and Trump could very well be sent to prison.  Sending him to prison would just churn up his base.

This Presidential Election is certainly going to be remembered in the history books regardless of who wins.

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