Monday, July 15

2024 Presidential Choices

 I am literally amazed by all the liberal pundits, talking heads, experts, and so-called journalists who have gone APE SHIT over Trump's assassination attempt.

  • Some believe it was a hoax
  • Some believe Trump planned the shooting
  • Some believe Trump's rhetoric caused it
  • Some believe Trump should apologize
  • Some will leave the USA if Trump gets elected
  • Some did not want Trump to be so lucky
  • Some believe that anything positive that happens to Trump is wrong
  • Some still believe Trump will destroy DEMOCRACY

What is amazing here is that the more the HATERS HATE TRUMP, the more his popularity increases and that increase PISSES them off even more...

What I cannot understand is what is it that they hate about Trump...  and, if you were to ask them point blank, their answer would be EVERYTHING.

Logically, that is impossible...

I know many people that were not going to vote for Trump until all the LIBERALS started attacking him for no reason at all...  or if there was a reason, it was later proved to be a LIE...
Cases in point:  Russian Collusion
                          Hunter Biden's Laptop

When the Supreme Court gave him immunity, the LIBERALS now want to IMPEACH THE SUPREME COURT...  since the ruling did not go their way.

A judge has dismissed the documents case in Florida and now the LIBERALS are saying the judge was incompetent and that won't happen with a REAL JUDGE...  what they mean is that won't happen with a judge that hates Trump.

The other choice, Joe Biden, is or has been suffering from some form of DEMENTIA that causes him to act and behave like he is stroking out.  It leaves many people wondering who is making the decisions in the white house.  Since it is not Biden, is it Kamala Harris, or Obama?

  • While Biden last another four years?
  • If Biden leaves the Presidency, is Kamala Harris the kind of President you want to live with for the rest of his term?
  • What happens if Biden is out of it, and there is an emergency declared?
  • Can Biden stand toe to toe with China and Russia?

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