Monday, June 12

Transformation of America

I am not sure why I am so upset with the way things are going in the US of A right now because NOTHING really will affect my lifestyle, or my finances.

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION -  is a huge problem especially since these migrants are violating the rule of law with how they enter the country.  But, they will not be staying at my house, nor will many of them want to live in East Tennessee because the state is basically conservative and very few liberals live here.

INFLATION -  is another huge problem but my wife and I don't live high on the hog so there is no real impact on our finances.  If it costs us more to do some of the extra things we want to do, we will just do less...  I am 75 and she is 70 and there is really not that many places we want to visit, outside of Myrtle Beach.

NATIONAL DEBT -  is also a huge problem but not for me nor my wife nor our children...  however, their children will pay the price for all the money that is being spent today.

WOKE/CRT/BLM/REPARATIONS -  is really more of a joke than it is a serious movement because 12% of the US population is trying to tell the other 88% how the BLACKS should be treated as a result of slavery taking place here.  

NOTE:  one of the comments that I really like from East Tennessee is the following:  THE SUN DON'T SHINE ON THE SAME DOG'S ASS EVERYDAY...

Sooner or later the other 88% is going to wonder why 12% is telling them what to do...  and, when that happens, shit really will hit the fan.

TRANS-INDIVIDUALS - is a minor problem that less than 1% of the population want to turn into a big deal.  If women want to be males and males want to be females....  hell fire...  let them do what they want to do.  Personally, I don't want to have anything to do with them and if something happens where I have to deal with one, I will simply leave.  And, they can screw all their pronouns in the process.

What amazes me is that China is growing in strength and power while we are trying to recruit trans people into the military.  I cannot imagine being in a firefight with a trans, and I am thankful that I will never have that experience.

When China takes over our economy, the BLACKS and the TRANS can complain to their new leaders...  

However, AI/Robots will be replacing most jobs soon, so it will not really matter what these minorities think as they will be unemployed...

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