Friday, June 23

Greed - Power - Control

Belief in religion and an afterlife has been replaced by belief in becoming wealthy and living large now.  Underscoring this desire is WIIFM...

What's In It For Me...  

I have worked in all sorts of business environments both as a worker, in management, and as a consultant and the negative aspects of management as just as prevalent in a CHRISTIAN ORGANIZATION as they are in a manufacturing organization, a government organization, a service organization, or a military organization.

Most of the current leaders in business and industry have backgrounds in the military which explains a lot...  and, this military influence will soon die out as less and less people are entering the military to establish their first 20-year career.

RHIP - Rank Has Its Privileges 

RHIP is present big time in all types of commerce and is primarily based upon Greed, Power, and Control.  The higher up in an organization the more greedy one becomes, the more power one receives, and the more control over other people one has.

We are taught at an early age to be GREEDY...  children watch their parents spend money and get into debt.  They listen to their parent's conversations after their parents think they are in bed asleep.

Parents push children into college for the sole purpose of earning more money in their lifetimes.

Drug dealers don't sell drugs because they are addicted typically, they sell drugs because of other's addiction and the more they sell, the faster they will rise up in the organization...  they are motivated by Greed, Power, and Control.  Drug dealers don't last long if they are addicted to the drugs they sell.

Athletes who have a talent know that their talent is going to make them wealthy.  The greater the talent the greater the wealth and the greater the power and control becomes because of that unique talent.

Actors/Actresses are the same way.  Some got it while others don't.  The same holds true for musicians and singers.

Why do you think that athletes, actors, ctresses, and musicians keep working as long as they can.  It has very little to do with their profession but with the amount of money they can generate because of their skill.  


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