Thursday, June 22

Life of an INTJ Scorpion

When I was 30 years old, I took my first Myers-Briggs Personality Questionnaire and the results indicated I was an INTJ.  I took the test again when I was 40, 50, and 60 years old for shits and giggles and the results were always the same.  Therefore, one could safely say I am an INTJ.

According to the Myers-Briggs website:
INTJ is one of the rarest personalities in the world. These personalities make up about 2.6% of the total world population. The percentage of INTJ men is 3% while INTJ women contribute 2.2% to the general population. Thus, the ratio of INTJ men is slightly more than that of women. INTJs have an insatiable curiosity for the world, and they want to know the answer to everything they think of. In every way possible, they strive to improve themselves.

INTJs prefer to work alone, but when working in teams they tend to be helpful to the people. They are ambitious individuals who aim high and try to achieve their goals. They feel comfortable working in an environment without emotional influence. Further, they tend to search for new and innovative approaches to promote the organization’s growth. They don’t stick to traditional methods and want to welcome all possibilities before making any decisions. In a nutshell, INTJs excel in any organization because of their confidence, vision, decision-making, and logical approach.

I have been misunderstood all my life and until I had my first personality results, I seriously thought that there was something mentally wrong with me.  It was weird to find out that my personality was exactly the way my personality was supposed to be like.

Throughout the course of my life, my first wife wanted a divorce because of my personality; my brother and sister no longer wanted to have anything to do with me after our parents died; and, my daughter just up and stopped communicating with me, giving me no reason for doing so.  It's been over 7 years since I heard from her and no answers to the emails that I sent to her.

My current wife and I are constantly misunderstanding each other because of our conflicting personalities and my personality has resulted in me not having any friends.  Most of my so-called friends were idiots anyway as their thoughts were extremely shallow and lacked depth.

AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE, I am a SCORPION by birth....  October 31...

The scorpion is the symbol for Scorpio, and that wicked stinger tail is no myth. Scorpio can lash out and slice you in two with his bitter tirades. You'll quickly understand what a tongue lashing is all about if you give him reason to test it out on you. The scorpion sting is no fable. A Scorpio male can be vengeful if he's betrayed by his lover or discovers their feelings for him weren't real. Even though he's a water sign, it can quickly become boiling water.

One thing about a Scorpio man when it comes to love, he isn't in it for the pure fun of it. To the Scorpio male, love is as serious as it gets. Scorpio won't ever pretend he does if he doesn't feel love for you. Genuine feelings are the height of passion and integrity for Scorpio. He will drown himself in the throes of a passionate love affair and enjoy every second of both agonies and ecstasies of love.

My Scorpion attributes makes it very difficult for me to have a serious relationship with any female let alone a marriage partner.  

What I found out was that women wanted only superficial relationships... like:
  • Take me out to dinner
  • Take me out dancing
  • Take me out to this movie
  • Take me out to this party

Of course, my choices in females could have been responsible for that because I looked for females that I thought might be good in bed.  Not many females are really interested in poetry (other than you writing them a poem) nor are the interested in any form of art:  classical, abstract, or modern.

Of course, I was also a NONCONFORMIST at the time so I was rather unconventional from the getgo.  I also was shy, got my feelings hurt easily, and had low self-esteem that took me several years to overcome.  This was created in part by my father's verbal abuse.  He lived like a military man and that kind of structure was the last think I wanted and certainly did not motivate me.

At 75 years of age, I really don't give a rat's ass what people think of me, nor do I need any friends to enjoy life around me.  At one point, I counted on my second wife more than I should have but don't do that anymore.  My Siamese cat likes me and does not judge me and accepts me for who I am and actually likes being around me.  


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