Monday, June 19

A Failing Democracy

Each morning I watch FOX News until about 10/11:00 am from the time I wake up which is about 7:30 am.  I watch FOX because the other networks censor the news by not reporting on items that are taking place around me.  All news should be reported whether or not we like it as a consumer and all news should be reported whether or not the station agrees with it politically.

But, apparently ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN don't agree with those sentiments because they are censoring all news, not just that they don't agree with, but news that negatively impacts the Democratic Party.

One party domination and censoring cannot take place in a Democracy.  A democracy that we have in the USA is predicated upon a two party system and predicated upon nothing being censored unless it might have something to do with national security.

Socialism, Communism, and Dictatorship are all based upon ONE PARTY RULE and DOMINATION.  Opposing views are not only censored but those who offer opposing views are jailed or killed to keep their voices from being heard.

Could this happen in the USA?  Yes, it could and it is heading in that direction now...

Once its gone...  it's gone...  it ain't coming back.


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