Saturday, August 20

Having Enough Time

One of the main complaints that I hear from the OLD FOLKS is that they never had enough time to do what it is that they wanted to do...

Another major complaint is that they wished that they had taken more risks...

The final complaint is that they did not do what they really had wanted to do...

So...  you ask yourself why did these things happen?

The comment about time revolves around the fact that these people did not do a very good job of planning out their day...  typically, it is called TIME MANAGEMENT.

I remember one of the first things that I learned in Graduate School was that if I did not plan out my day, evenings, and weekends, I simply did not have enough time to get things done.

I would make a list of everything that needed to get done, and then I would estimate how much time it would take me on each of these tasks always adding in a little extra time just in case.

I still do that now that I am retired and especially when I have to go to a doctor's appointment.  

  • When do I want to get there?
  • How long is the drive?
  • Add extra time for traffic delays...
  • When do I need to leave home?
  • How long will it take me to shower and dress?
  • When do I need to set the alarm clock?
I am never late for an appointment...

The second issue about taking more risks is interesting because if they had to do all over again, they still would not have taken those risks...  Each of us has our own Risk Aversion Personality and for the most part that will never change unless you try to force a change and that is not always a good thing to do, especially if you don't manage your stress very well.

You will always do what you did because that is who you are...  so, saying you wish you took more risks is rather foolish.

And finally, wishing you had taken another path is also an irrelevant exercise because you did or became exactly what you should have done or should have become...

This part about time is not that easy to understand so suffice it to say that your life has already unfolded in the bigger picture before it actually unfolds here on earth.  Therefore, you do or did exactly what you were supposed to have done or did...

Time is relative...  the past, present, and future all happen at the same time...  which is exactly why you cannot look back and see what you did even if it is a nanosecond ago as it has already disappeared...  all you have is the present and the present does not last very long...

  • Learn to live your life without regrets.  
  • Learn to accept who you are and who you are supposed to be.
  • Learn to accept you limitations.
  • Learn to appreciate your gifts.
  • Learn to be grateful for the life you have been given.
If you will do this there will be no need to ever look back and wish and wonder...


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