Sunday, August 28

Sunday Morning


It is a no-brainer that Sunday comes around once a week, but the question is this:

Is Sunday the beginning of the week or the ending of the week?

Not that it makes any difference but it is a curious question.

I personally favor the ending of the week but what the hell do I know?

Sundays in the Valley

Not really a whole lot to do actually outside of going to Church in the morning.  But then there is going out to lunch which is fine as long as you go before Church gets out...  After that, it is all up for grabs:

  • Stay at home
  • go to a movie
  • go to the mall
  • go to the park
  • go to the lake
  • visit with friends
I suppose it is this way everywhere as the Valley is no different than anywhere else...

the valley is different...
It is not like the city nor is it like the country except that there is lots of land around everywhere...  and, not all of it is being farmed or cultivated for suburban communities.

It is all the lakes and parks that we have that are not necessarily found in other areas of this state or other states for that matter.

it is all the walking trails that we have that are available to exercise, leisure, or serious hiking and camping.

it is all the farmer's markets that we have selling homegrown fruits and vegetables that are better than store bought.

Being retired,
the Valley suits my LAZY ASS ATTITUDE as I drift in and out of consciousness on my back porch sitting in one of them thar lounge chairs we purchased from Wally World.

I look out my suburban house window out into the field across the street and I see a family of deer just slowly walking around as if they have nothing to fear...

Deer are beautiful creatures and it is very enjoyable to watch them.  

From my back porch, I can see hummingbirds swarming around our feeders...  I can see squirrels and rabbits scampering from one side of the yard to the other side...  I suppose just to see if they can go there...

And, there are all kinds of birds that fly around and into the trees that are in our yard...  Ironically, we planted trees in our yard 20 years ago while our neighbors cut all of their trees down...  now they complain they have no animals to look at.

Our Valley is not for everyone.  It may be too slow of a lifestyle for most people who are used to the fast pace of the city.  The only fast pace I see in the city is dodging cars as you try to cross.

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