Friday, July 15

Achieving Results


In high school I never studied and was able to maintain a 2.75 GPA which is more than a C+ but less than a B-...  it was not good enough to get me into the best colleges or universities but it was good enough to get me into college.  In college I maintained a 3.75 GPA with just a little bit of studying...  but, when I graduated from college and got my first job as Executive Director of a non-profit, neither my high school education or my college education gave me the knowledge to do the job for which I was being hired.

There was no training manual for the job nor was there anyone I could ask for guidance as to how to do the job...  I had to learn how to do the job on my own and through trial and error and hope that the errors were large enough to get me fired.

I was responsible for a million dollar budget, 12 member organizations who looked to me for guidance, directly supervised 10 employees and a cadre of volunteers that amounted to about 500 annually.  I was also responsible for all monthly activities, developing new programs, all advertising and public relations, and guided the board of directors regarding all fund raising efforts.

The board of directors hired me and did not care about my GPA or what classes I had taken, they only cared about my ability to ACHIEVE RESULTS.

I worked 15-18 hour days including Saturdays and kept this job for 8 years.  While working for this organization, I attended grad school on the weekends (all day Saturday/Sunday) and after 2 years (66 hours) received an MBA with a focus in Strategic Planning.

I also received a divorce from my wife who had enough of my career and moved to another state to begin a new life...

My employers in this new state did not care about my degrees or my grades or my divorce...  all they cared about was my ability to achieve results and expected me to work whatever hours I needed to work to achieve those results...

In 2015, I retired without a gold watch or even a THANK YOU, after working 45 years in this crazy marketplace environment...  And, once I retired, I did not care what I did or how long it took me to do it, as long as I ACHIEVED RESULTS...

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