Thursday, July 28

Some of Us are Caught Between Floors


I saw the headline for an article (that I did not read) which stated that Dem Candidates Refuse To Say If Males Can Get Pregnant and Define a Woman...

Right before that article there was another article that stated VP Kamala Harris introduced herself as the woman who was wearing a blue outfit and shared her pronouns...

As a retired American who is also a Vietnam Veteran, this garbage does not shock me, it just makes me feel that the people promoting this kind of shit are setting the stage for their own downfall as a majority of the people, especially all the illegal immigrants that are coming across the border are going to identify as either male, female, drug dealer, drug addict, or terrorist...  lol

A male can cut off his penis if he so desires that is fine by me and he can swallow female hormones to grow titties...  but that joker is still going to be a male and the only pronoun I am going to use will be IT.

The same hold true for a female who wants to have a penis attached in her crotch and pretend that she can impregnant another female...  She too can do whatever she pleases but as far as I am concerned she will also be referred to as IT.

I also read the other day that our once glorious military is actively trying to recruit people from the LGBQT+ community...  and, all I can say there is that I am glad that I did not have to go into battle with people like that.

Can you imagine a GAY Rambo or James Bond?

And yes I do understand that many bodybuilders both male and female are gay but I doubt any of them want to switch their gender.

On the bright side...  if there are more and more gender switches and if there are more and more gay males and lesbian females...  then there is a good possibility that our population will begin to decrease...

If latinos, hispanics, Mexicans, and Asians do not have the same gender curious desires, then there is a good possibility that their populations will increase.   And, in time, the demographics of the US will change and the two largest populations will be Hispanics and Asians with Caucasian and Blacks being on the bottom.

If I were one of these groups, I would want to be financing the LGBQT+ movement in the hopes that it grows uncontrollably large...

He is has the last laugh will laugh the hardest...

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